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Mariano del Friuli


The town's name derives the proper Latin name of a person "Marianus", a Roman centurion assigned to this area, to start a new farming colony. Municipality in the province of Gorizia, located at the center of the Isonzo plain, it consists of two main districts: Mariano and Corona. The town is famous for its craftsmen, specialized in handmade chairs since the XVIII century, and for the production of fine wines and food specialties. The whole centre is characterized by typical rural houses with courtyards.
It was founded by the Romans around the year 181 B.C., in the same period in which the town of Aquileia was founded, as evidenced by the name and the discovery of artifacts related to time. It was invaded by the Turks in the second half of the XV century and involved in clashes with Venetian troops in the XVII century. Conquered by the Venetians, the town was fortified and became their headquarters. In the following centuries it was invaded by Habsburg and French troops and subsequently shared the same fate and historical events that marked the whole Friuli Region until its annexation to the Italian State.

- the Church of San Gottardo, built in 1756, which presents a façade of white stone, in Baroque style, designed by the Milanese architect Paolo Baroffi. Divided into two parts, the lower is delineated by pilasters and enriched with niches, the upper divided from the first by a major frame, features particular smoother Rococo style lines. Inside are preserved several valuable altars: the main one is of 1804, a lateral XVIII century one is enriched by a wooden statue of the Madonna and Child dating from the XX century, while another one features a panel painted by Tominiz in 1825. Here are also preserved a series of frescoes depicted by the artist Iustulin;
- the Church of the Holy Trinity, built in 1550, is decorated with an important cycle of frescoes representing the Apostles, dating from the XVI century and attributed to the Negro, and an XVIII century marble altar;
- the Church of SS Mary and Zeno in Corona, which was built in 1705 replacing the old church destroyed in 1699. The very simple and sober façade is surmounted by a tympanum. The church is flanked by a Bell Tower with a square base. Inside it is possible to admire the main altar designed by Lazzarini in 1729, with statues by Zuliani. Famous is the altar of St. Catherine, dating from the XVIII century, adorned with an altarpiece by Paroli and the Way of the Cross painted by de Finetti in 1950.


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