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Monastier di Treviso


The town's name derives from the Latin word "monasterium" in reference to the Benedictine monastery to which the main centre has always been linked. A municipality scattered between the province of Treviso, on the border with the territory of Venice, Monastier di Treviso is characterized by the presence of numerous springs and streams, including the Meolo. Today it is a lively commercial and industrial center, active mainly in the textile industry and tourism, but still devoted to its agricultural traditions.
The area was inhabited since Neolithic times, as evidenced by the several artifacts found, later colonized by the Romans who left important traces of their presence, as the division of land into centuries and names of the streets. The center is cited for the first time in documents dating to year 880, and shortly later, granted to the Benedictines, the entire area submitted a period of agricultural development and economic growth. The Abbey of Santa Maria del Pero depended on the Patriarchate of Aquileia and controlled a vast quantity of territories, with borders on the Venice Lagoon. Around year 1000, the town submitted the domain of the Emperor Henry II, whose heirs continued to rule even under the rule of Venice until the advent of Napoleon in 1797.

Not to miss:
- the Abbey of Santa Maria del Pero, founded in 958, was repeatedly the subject of looting and often damaged during clashes between opposing factions. At the end of the XV century the church was rebuilt and in the first half of the XVII century the cloister was enlarged. After the advent of Napoleon, the building was completely abandoned and only the church continued its religious functions;
- the Shrine of the Black Madonna in Pralongo, built in 1523 with the function of an Oratory: It was remodeled in 1908. Miraculously spared by the bombings of two World Wars, it was used as a hospital. It houses a valuable wooden statue of the Madonna and Child;
- the Church of the Assumption;
- Villa Stefani in San Pietro Novello;
- Villa Serafini in Chiesa Vecchia;
- Villa Ninni in Chiesa Vecchia;
- Villa Pia in San Pietro Novello;
- Villa Giustiniani in Fornaci;
- Villa Tramonti in Fornaci;
- Villa Levi in Fornaci;
- Villa Botter.


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