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you are here: Home Tuscany Arezzo and Val di Chiana Laterina Holiday Farmhouse Tenuta Vitereta Tuscany Wine Land

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  • Tenuta Vitereta Tuscany Wine Land

    Preserving and enhancing a countryside is a tradition, respect them in order to make them become an entrepreneurial project: the idea of running the Vitereta Estate can be found at the basis of the Del Tongo and Bidini family choices. It is an adventure...

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Tenuta Vitereta Tuscany Wine Land

Holiday Farmhouse Accommodation Villa Leopoldina Villa Clerici Bernetti Laterina Arezzo Tuscany Italy

Villa Clerici Bernetti Villa Leopoldina

Villa Clerici Bernetti

Villa Leopoldina


Laterina Via Casanuova, 108/1 +39 329 8618500 +39 0575 89058


Preserving and enhancing a countryside is a tradition, respect them in order to make them become an entrepreneurial project: the idea of running the Vitereta Estate can be found at the basis of the Del Tongo and Bidini family choices. It is an adventure that we believed in to such an extent as to invest resources and energy. It is a dream that has materialized, becoming an important production activity.

The vineyards of the Tenuta Vitereta cover 50 hectares of a hilly area at 265 metres in height on average. The ground is sandy, with pebbles of sandstone that lay on clay lakes, a part of a calcareous/marly alluvial nature. The climate is typically Mediterranean, with a rain-free summer, with rainfall concentrated in Autumn and Spring, and with cold and dry winters. Ideal, therefore, for wine.

Harvesting is scrupulously done by hand on Tenuta Vitereta as it is our most important job. In the weeks and days beforehand the vines are thinned out so that the bunches of grapes are perfect.

These rooms, which were originally used for drying tobacco (and thus the name), are now used for drying the grapes for the Vinsanto.

Rooms for drying grapes must have certain standards, i.e. no direct sunlight and good airing. The bunches of grapes are hung out one by one as they need to be aired on all sides.

A place of waiting, patiently and without haste where the stone and hand-made brick arches and vaults guarantee genuineness. Echoes from the past surround the casks where the wine waits each year acquiring taste.

Exclusive Villa Clerici Bernetti

A building annexed to the Tenuta Vitereta of great architectural beauty and great cultural value. Built in the second half of the nineteenth century in neo-Renaissance style, it was completely renovated between 1974 and 75, making it more suitable for tourist accommodation offering the best in what one might expect from a holiday in Tuscany.

Holiday Farmhouse Villa Leopoldina

An unforgettable holiday in a special place, a country house in an exceptional environment with an atmosphere of tradition accompanied by great service and all modern comfort.

In Laterina, in the Arezzo countryside, a splendid farmhouse where you may discover the tastes and aromas of the most genuine Tuscan tradition.


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